CityJSON v1.1.2 released
Aug 16, 2022

Minor changes to the schemas for errors, improved the text of the specs so that it’s easier for everyone to read and understand.

What changed:

  • fixed the typo in the schema: "TunnelFurniture"
  • added the missing CityGML v3 types in the schemas: "BridgeFurniture" and "Waterway" and "BuildingConstructiveElement"
  • added a link in the specs text to the official CityGML v3 specs for definitions of each of the City Objects
  • improved and added a few sentences in the specs to make them clearer
  • small improvements in the specs document to make concepts clearer
  • schemas are the same, with some simplifications to make their maintenance easier in the future

For those who want to know precisely what words changed, check the diff.


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